Wednesday, August 04, 2004

Cycling media - what a hoax

The cycling media is such a hoax. Call themselves journalists. They should be calling themselves liars. Anything that pops into their little brains gets published as facts. No regard for truth or a persons reputation. It's a shame. I think just like cycling has had to go through a period of cleaning itself up, cycling journalism also needs to go through a period of cleaning itself up. The sport deserves better than a bunch of half wit witch hunters that publish anythig that any old fame deprived wannabe thinks up. They should also ask themselves how much better they would have been able to cycle if they spend 4 - 5 hours a day cycling. Maybe the performances of cyclist on the pro tour would be more believeble to them if they worked that hard at something for once and saw the results. Imagine they spend that much time researching the "leads" that they got. Their work would also have been much better.


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